What The Parents Say
Student Testimonials

My uncle took me to study in Penang as there are not many Chinese schools at my hometown. During Form 1, my results were not good as I was struggling to adapt to the new environment. iScore coaches always guided me and encouraged me to work harder in my studies. Finally, I am able to score A’s in many subjects and get 2nd place in my class. I hope I can score straight A’s in PT3 exam.
- Lee Xin Yee , SMJK Heng Ee

I was a lazy person and not proactive in doing things. I felt good enough as long as I complete my tasks. After I came to iscore, I learned that I need to be more serious and go all out towards the tasks given to me. In future, I want to become a good leader and influence people besides me.
- Tay Qi Yang , SMJK Heng Ee

I always led my team members by expressing my anger. This method did not work in leading them. Through iScore training program, it allows me to understand that I need to be more caring and loving in order to become a good leader. Now, my team members are willing to accept me and I wish I can be a better leader in the future.
- Foo Ming Xian , SMJK Chung Ling

I was lazy and not interested in study. After coming to iScore, , I started to show interest towards Science and Sejarah. By using mindmap, it helps me to memorize keywords effectively. My results improved a lot. After joining iScore training program, I am now willing to communicate with others proactively and my mindset become more positive.
- Khaw Eugene , SMJK Chung Ling

Through creative teaching method and mindmap, my results improved a lot. I have learned how to be a leader. I used to be a supporter, but not leader. After joining training program, my leadership skills improved and have been awarded with Best Leader during a camp.
- Loo Lye Seng , SMJK Phor Tay

I was not good in expressing myself. I got boycotted by others and my results were not good. After joining iScore, I learn to express myself. I have more friends and no more boycott by others, In future, I want to be a brave and positive leader.
- Ch’ng Yee Shuen , SMJK Heng Ee

Iscore 是个拥有多元化发展和涉猎的培训中心,除了学术方面的教育,coach们也很关心我们心灵上的成长。这个地方就像一个大家庭一样,不同相性的人碰撞一起,却都可以磨合得很融洽,这都归功于coach们极具亲和力的性格。自从来这里后我能深切地感受到对自己和外界的理解更深了,coach们总会耐心地为我们排忧解难,我也因而发掘了自身的潜能;知识和学识方面也得到了很好的拓展,不会担心深陷于自我的信息茧房里。因此十分感谢Coach们用心的教育和培养让我成长了许多。这里可能不是乌托邦,但或许会是你一直想寻找的绿洲。
- Jesslyn Lim , SMJK Heng Ee

Before I joined iscore98, I was very shy and had a hard time to speak up. BUT that changed after I joined, I have become really good at voicing out my opinion and the presentations, the stage? I'm no longer afraid to get on top and give a talk. You can say that Iscore is just a tuition but it's definitely more then that. Rather then just grades, iscore also focus on your character development. I have been to other tuitions and Iscore is not just another tution for someone to just sit down and write down boring notes. The educators and students in the centre will make sure that people will have a more colourful experience! Would I recommend Iscore98 to others? Yes of course, I want my friends and others to have a much more better time studying. It is hard to lose focus because the coaches makes sure that what their are teaching is understandable and not force students to listen or study the subject. The students have much more freedom and more choices compared to other tuitions.
- William Koay , SMJK Chung Hwa
这里的coaches的态度和教学方式都很好,也会很有耐心地教导我,我不理解的数学题目,coaches会一遍遍地教我,直到我会为止?。加入iscore也有很多好处,比如在假期的时候,有holiday program让我们玩??。我非常推荐你们加入iscore这个大家庭??‼️
- Kong Yeh Ching , SMJK Heng Ee

Before I joined iScore98, I was a person who didn't have a lot of confidence in myself. Even though I had the idea in mind, I always thought I could keep quiet; other people would say it. However, after 3 years of guidance at iScore98, I conquered my fear and completed events such as public speaking. I'm not going to lie; of course, I still have my stage fright, but there's definitely a change compared to 3 years ago. Let's say that they are some of the best coaches/teachers I've ever met. They're not just some teachers who don't care about you at some random tuition class. They truly put in their best efforts to understand you when you're in trouble and affirm you when you do something right. For example, Coach Melissa helped me overcome many of my problems, and words can't describe how much I appreciate her. There's no other place like this on God's green Earth. Why? It's because it's one of the best you can ever ask.
- Chan Ze Wei , Chung Ling High School

I score let me turn into a better person and changed me. Not only that the training is very fun and a lot of the coaches are very kind and understanding
- Tan Jun Sheng , Chung Ling High School

Iscore 是一个非常好的教育环境。 IScore 不仅与教育有关,而且还帮助我成长。能够成为IScore大家庭的一员,我感到非常幸运! ❤️?❤️?
- Chuah Ren Kit , Heng Ee High School

- Tan Wei Jia , Heng Ee High School

The coaches and teachers at there are friendly and helpful.When I was in trouble the coaches will help us such as when I need to take photo for the school project the coach help me without any complain.
- Lee Kai Shen , Chung Ling High School

这个名叫 iscore98 的青少年培训中心,是让我打开我心中另外几个大门的好地方,显然这个地方是改变我性格的启蒙地。 第一大门:开朗的性格 第二大门:人际关系管理 第三大门:对学习的认真 看到以上的salmon(三门),可想而知以前我并不是很会表达我的情绪和心情甚至有一点悲观,就导致来iscore体验课的那一天被我如今的朋友在说我是个追债人的感觉,就是不亲切。不过我加入iscore过后,在一段时间的“神奇”学习之后,我便成为了那个上面三门的获得者。而这个”神奇的学习“也是培训中心特别的地方就是每个星期二的'七种习惯“的培训,大家要知道这个七种习惯是出自于斯蒂芬·柯维《高效人士的七种习惯》这本书,书是可以自行摄取和理解的,可是一旦是培训就是有人教的意思啦!所以我这次要说的是iscore的coach~这里的coach很亲切,请相信我!!!每个老师都有他独自的人格魅力。反正~~这里的老师就是大写的好就是了,嘿嘿。
- Neoh AI Zhen , Penang Chinese Girls' High School